For the community, By the community

Roxbourne Rough is a large grassy meadow. Since it is flat and lies on the London clay it is often wetter than the grasslands on the reserves in the north of the Borough (the path around the perimeter is well surfaced and always dry). Roxbourne Rough lies immediately south of the Uxbridge branch of the Metropolitan Line and forms part of the large Roxbourne Park open space. The post code is HA5 1NW
Are you interested in nature conservation?
You could help with some litter picking, light gardening, path maintenance and occasional clearing small areas of ground in the Roxbourne Rough, in association with Harrow Nature Conservation Forum and Green Grid.
Our voluntary warden is Peter - please leave a message for thm on FoRP's email forp2016@forp2016.org
From December 2021 and for the forseeable future, we will host volunteer working parties in the morning of the first Sunday of each month. We will be doing general maintenance of the paths, water courses and ponds, plus some more specialised jobs like tree transplantation and bramble cutting. Please see our notice boards for more details. The Friends of Roxbourne Park have some tools, but please bring anything appropriate if you can. We provide light refreshments afterwards.
Meet at the [ark pavilion, 10 am, or find us inside the Rough.