For the community, By the community

The Roxy café is open about 24 times a year, mainly Sundays from 11am until 2pm, in support of our Save Sunday Music events, but also 3 or 4 other dates during the year. Help is needed to set up the table-top counter, make tea and coffee and serve cakes, act as cashier and clear down afterwards. A really adventurous helper might want to bake a cake to be sold to our community members - you can be remunerated at cost. We would appreciate help from anyone who can offer regular assistance, not necessarily continuously, in any of the roles described. Music and good company are included! Age is no barrier!
We do light gardening, tree work and bramble clearing, path maintenance and bulb planting either in the Community Orchard, the Roxbourne Rough or generally around the park. There are usually 12 to 15 sessions annually, on alternate Sunday mornings, 10am to noon, (avoiding Sunday Music weekends) and our volunteers of all ages do as much or as little as they feel able to, with a cup of tea provided afterwards. Some equipment, tools and gloves are available. Bracing outdoor weather and fresh air are guaranteed, along with pleasant company and good banter. Very much a case of the more the merrier!
FoRP is well known for the community events we run, especially RoxyFest in September. Setting up and striking down are always time consuming and time sensitive as we don’t leave anything out in the park overnight. For the one-day RoxyFest and dog show we are busy from 7am until 11am, and again from 5.00pm until 7.30pm. Obviously the more helpers we have, the quicker it gets done, but we do need our volunteers to commit during the planning phases. For other events in the pavilion and around the park, such as Sunday Music, Coffee Mornings and Parties, we usually need a couple of hours before the start putting out tables and chairs, opening shutters, putting up banners etc. and an hour or so after the event. Interested ? – please get in touch.
This is a bit specialised, because it requires some knowledge of the platforms we use and our “style”. FoRP owns a domain name “forp2016.org” and currently we use a free Wix website, Mailchimp for emails, Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, but we would be open to other suggestions from a volunteer if this role interests you. The minimum amount of time spent would average out at about 2 hours a week, with peaks near our events and troughs around New Year, when we take a break. Your input would be more than welcome!
In all cases above, please contact the committee in person or on forp2016@forp2016.org with your preferences. You must be a member of FoRP to be covered by our insurance policy.