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CONSTITUTION revised 2018

Friends of Roxbourne Park




1          Name


1.1        The User Group shall be called Friends of Roxbourne Park (Friends)


1.2        For the avoidance of doubt, Roxbourne Park (the Park) is deemed to include all the parkland areas lying south of LTR lines, to the west and north-west of Yeading Brook from Cannon Lane, Harrow through to Field End Road, Eastcote, (including the Roxbourne Rough Nature Reserve and the Roxbourne Railway) and to the south-east of Yeading Brook from High Worple through to the boundary with the allotments in Yeading Avenue.


1.3        Friends of Roxbourne Park shall remain affiliated to Harrow Parks Forum, or any similar successor organisation which may take HPF’s place in the future.



2          Aims


2.1        The aims of the Friends are

  • to promote the use and maintenance of the Park,

  • to help to develop a site management plan to improve the Park,

  • to become involved in the management and development of the Park,

  • to ensure that the Park remains a publicly accessible site where the public can enjoy the natural environment,

  • to consider all aspects of the Park's flora, fauna and their habitats and to seek to enhance its biodoversity.


3          Objectives


3.1        The Friends will strive to be representative of all sections of the local community to express views and to participate in achieving its aims.


  1.     Specifically the Friends will:


  1. work with other local associations, voluntary sector, Harrow Council officers and Members, and representatives of Government organisations for the betterment, management and improvement  of the Park;

  2. bring together knowledge, expertise and resources towards collaborative and long-term management of the Park ;

  3. liaise with Harrow Council and other agents on management, maintenance and improvement programmes for the park;

  4. ensure that the interests of the local community, residents and users of the Park and its amenities are recognised and are accommodated;

  5. ensure that the nature, environment and non-human users of the park are considered and encouraged to thrive and flourish

  6. work with Harrow Council and any other relevant bodies about proposals for possible methods of funding and lead in co-ordinating bids for financing;

  7. ensure protection of the amenity, maximise usage and promote the Park as a local resource;

  8. arrange interpretative events to promote public access and awareness; and

  9. Do all such other lawful activities as shall further the said objectives.   




  1.    Anyone can register for membership of the Friends by completing the required application form and the qualifying criteria for membership shall be being a user of the Park and agreeing with the aims of the group.


  1.     Membership shall not be restricted on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation, and discrimination or expressions of prejudice will not be allowed at meetings or other activities of the Friends.


  1.    The  Management Committee for the Friends shall be appointed from amongst its registered members and will include


  1. A Lead Representative/Chair

  2. At least four other members, including a Voluntary Park Warden, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.


  1.    The Management Committee will represent the Friends in discussions with the Council to agree roles in terms of maintenance and park development activities.


  1.     All registered members of the Friends will have voting rights. Observers and guests at meetings will be invited to participate but will not be able to vote.


  1.    The Management  Committee will where appropriate work with strategic partners to include Harrow Council, the Police, the London Fire Brigade, the National Health Service, the GLA, the Environment Agency and Natural England and may choose to invite additional non-voting advisors to meetings, for example persons nominated by officers of Harrow Council, Natural England, or other interested parties. 


5          Nominations and Elections


5.1        From the registered membership of the Friends the Lead Representative / Chair and the other four members of the Management Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.


5.2        Lead Representative/Chair


  • To chair each Committee meeting giving sufficient time for all attending members to voice an opinion on each issue on the agenda and to arrange a vote on any issue where a decision needs to be made.

  • To represent the Friends in discussions with the Council and other agencies and groups

  • To be the main link between the Friends and the Community Champion Scheme operating in the geographical area set out in section1.2 above.

  • To make grant applications as required to Harrow Council or other organisations from which funding may be available.


5.3.      Treasurer


  • To record all income and authorised expenditure, and to arrange relevant audit of the accounts.

  • To monitor the performance of Harrow Council in ordering and paying invoices pertaining to the Park.

  • To be responsible for confirming satisfactory completion works to the Council

      to enable ‘goods receipting’ via the Council’s finance system on completion of works.

  • To maintain the accounts of any independent Committee budgets that may be set up in the future, ensuring that interest on reserves are maximised, invoices for the supply of any works, equipment or materials are paid and any expenses due to other members are paid.



5.4        Secretary


  • To minute meetings of the Committee and Annual and Special General Meetings.

  • Prepare agendas in liaison with the Chair.

  • Provide copies of agendas and minutes to all Committee members and advisors.

  • Accept and prepare any other correspondence and communications as required from outside the Committee.


5.5        Voluntary Wardens


  • To help keep site clear of litter, carry out small scale vegetation management, and generally take care of the site.

  • To report incidents and problems to relevant authorities.

  • In accordance with the budget available to organise volunteer work days to carry out works to maintain and enhance the Park in accordance with agreed Management Plans.

  • To monitor and supervise works undertaken by volunteer groups and paid contractors and confirm satisfactory completion of works to the Treasurer.

  • To talk to visitors about the site, lead guided walks, and help design leaflets about the area.

  • To liaise with community groups and schools to increase public awareness of nature and recruit volunteers to improve the area.


5.6        Term of Office


5.6.1     The term of office for all elected Management Committee members shall be one year.

5.6.2     The election of members shall be made at the Annual General Meeting.

5.6.3     Elections shall be made by a show of hands and require a proposer and seconder from the membership

5.6.4     If an office should become vacant during the elected period a ballot shall be held at the next meeting to elect a replacement.

5.6.5     No single committee member shall combine any of the roles of Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary.


6          Meetings


6.1        The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held each year and not more than 15 months after the previous AGM, and shall immediately precede any normal meeting of the committee scheduled for the same day. The principal purpose of the AGM shall be to agree the accounts for the previous year and to elect members for the forthcoming year.


6.2        The Management Committee shall meet at least four times in a financial year, on dates to be agreed, and as necessary at other times. Confirmation of the date of meetings shall be provided at least two weeks before the meeting.  An agenda for the meeting and minutes of the last meeting shall be provided at least 48 hours before the meeting.


6.3        A Special Meeting of the Committee may be called by no fewer than four members of the Committee to discuss matters of pressing concern.


  1.     General meetings shall be held on a quarterly basis or at such frequency as determined by the functions of the Group.


  1.     The Lead Representative/Chair shall set the agenda for each meeting on the basis that the agenda includes discussions of :


  • Minutes of last meeting

  • Matters arising

  • Chair’s report on discussions that have taken place with the Council, other agencies

  • Wardens’ reports – To present written report on improvement activities

  • User Group Members issues


6.6        Voting and Quorum


6.6.1     The Quorum for any General meeting shall be seven voting members of the Friends as long as three members of the Management committee are also in attendance. The Quorum for any Management Committee meeting shall be three.

6.6.2     Any decisions requiring a vote shall be made by a show of hands, the majority taking the decision.  In event of a tie of votes the Chair will have an additional casting vote.


 7         Finance


  1. Harrow Council is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Roxbourne Park.


  1. Where the Friends has responsibility for certain elements of maintenance the Council will provide grant and /or equipment to support the functions that the Friends will be undertaking.


7.3       The Management Committee is accountable to the Council for the expending of the Grant and shall supply all receipts and invoices on a monthly basis to the Council’s Service Manager for Community Engagement, who acts as authorised officer for this Terms of reference.


7.4        Any funding and income received by the Committee, or any assets held by the Committee, may only be used to further the aims of the Committee and for no other purpose.


7.5        Financial records shall be maintained by the Treasurer using simple income and expenditure accounts.


7.6        Any bank accounts operated by the Committee shall require two signatures.  Four members of the Committee shall be designated signatories of cheques.


7.9        The Financial year for the Committee shall be 1st January to 31st December.


8          Roles and Responsibilities


  1.       The maintenance and management of the Park and its assets remains the responsibility of the Council. 


  1.       This agreement is binding in honour only, is not intended to be a legally binding contract between the Council and the User Group and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party. Neither party intends any employment relationship to be created either now or at any time in the future.


  1.       The User Group and Volunteers play an important part in the running of the Park and can be involved in almost every aspect of the work, depending on their experience and the amount of time that they are able to contribute. 


  1.       The Council has agreed that  the Friends can perform the following functions at the Park:


  • Carry out amenity works to the betterment of the Park and for the appreciation of all visitors

  • Gardening -   any member of the User Group and in fact any resident can be involved in producing flower displays and assisting with the maintenance of flower beds. Horticultural work can include weeding, planting, watering, general garden maintenance, some construction, renovation and project work. 

  • Grounds Maintenance - Physical work such as sweeping paths, clearing litter, painting and projects.

  • Utilise the Park building (as relevant) in accordance with the agreed licence  or any Council approved occupancy agreements

  • Lock and unlock the Park (as agreed with the Council’s Environment Services Manager)

  • Organise community events

  • To meet the time commitments and standards which have been mutually agreed to and to give reasonable notice so other arrangements can be made when this is not possible

  • To follow the Council’s procedures and standards, including Health and Safety and equal opportunities, in relation to staff, volunteers and park users.

  • Administration/Marketing - assisting with general duties, designing leaflets, and research and event organisation.


  1.       The Council will :


  • Provide a thorough induction on any specific area of work that the group wants to undertake

  • Provide basic training which will include emergency procedures, health and safety and an overview of the Park.

  • Issue and update a Volunteer Handbook that provides full details of the process 

  • provide equipment and training as appropriate to support the functions outlined above

  • permit the continuation of amenity works until such time as any resident, user group member or those acting for the user group advises that they will no longer continue the works

  • carry out its right to ask any resident, user group member or user group management committee to cease its work if there is a breach of this agreement or where the Council plans to make changes to the site such that the works are no longer required

  • try to resolve fairly any problems, complaints and difficulties that may arise


9         Amendments to the Constitution


9.1        Amendments to the Constitution may be made as follows:


  • Notice of any proposed amendment must appear as an agenda item for an Annual or Special General Meeting to which all registered members have been invited to attend

  • No amendment can be made or proposed without prior written notification to  and agreement by Harrow Council

  • The proposed amendment will previously have been noted and recorded in the minutes and has appeared as a special item at a meeting of the Committee. 

  • The amendment will be carried if it is supported by a two thirds majority of those registered members who are present and voting.


10        Ratification and Dissolution


10.1      This Constitution shall become effective upon approval by at least 9 voting members of the Group’s membership.


10.2      Dissolution of the Committee can be resolved at an Annual or Special General meeting held, where 21 days prior written notice of such a meeting was given to all registered members (and to Harrow Council), by a two thirds majority vote of those present and voting. Any assets held by the group will be transferred to Harrow Council, or returned to any organisation that may have claim to those assets, such as unspent grant aid.



This Constitution was adopted at a meeting of members on 11 November 2015 and amended as in red at the AGM on 15 February 2018



Signed_______________________Chair          NAME…Gerry Bloomfield….  /3/2018



Signed______________________Secretary     NAME …Janice Haslam ….   /3/2018.

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